Anyone can set up a blog and start writing content, but only a few of those blogs ever develop into money-making enterprises that generate significant income streams. A lot of people who want to get into blogging end up getting confused about what exactly they should write about. It really isn’t that hard. Making money online with blogging is actually more about frequency rather than precise content, even though it is equally essential. If you are starting a blog for the purpose of making money, and you are not very passionate about writing to start with, then you are largely wasting your time. Blogging is neither a science nor a formulaic art. Without a deep-seated passion for your craft, you will face a tide of frustration and upset in no time. Here are a few tips to help you on your journey to building a successful money-making blog.

  1. Pick a Niche/Topic

Be specific on what you will write about. Define a topic or niche for yourself and design all your content around your chosen niche. This will help you not only focus your writing but also build digital products and services that compliment your content. This allows you to attract customers, entice them with your highly-informative posts then, to tempt them with lead magnet posts before converting them to your regular customers.

  1. Regularly Build Useful Contents

If you’re serious about making your blog a success, you need to create useful anchor material. It must be captivating, keyword-centric, informative, creative, and well-written. Don’t write your blog with only the search engines in mind. Instead, write your content paying full attention to humans while not losing focus of the search engines and what they want. Simply put, it’s a skill that develops over time with practice. it’s also critical that your content is published weekly and on a regular basis.

  1. Publishing on a Regular Basis

To be a successful blogger, you need discipline, determination, drive, and focus. You must develop a publishing schedule and stick to it. Treat your blog like a traditional magazine. That usually has a publishing date each week or month and they stick to it because their readers expect them to. If you want to be a successful blogger, you ought to be publishing new quality content daily. If you can’t do that, then decide on a publishing frequency that you can achieve and stick to it judiciously.

  1. Select a Platform

Though WordPress is by far the most popular blogging site, there are many sites on which you can leverage such as Tumblr,, and so on. Usually, serious bloggers go with a self-hosted WordPress installation on a custom domain. WordPress has a proven structure that is search engine friendly, very easy to set up and install and offers a large variety of free and paid design and functionality options.

  1. Choosing a URL

After choosing your preferred blogging platform, you also need to buy a URL (Domain Name) for your blog. There are various sources, Namesco is a popular example. Your URL should be preferably as they are the most powerful URL suffix on the internet and will instantly give your blog an advantage over other suffixed blogs. Your blog URL should be as short as possible, keyword-rich, and preferably have only one spelling permutation.

  1. Promoting and Marketing your Content

Each blog post that you write needs to have links from other blogs and websites pointing to it. This will drive direct traffic from those sites, but also will build a network of links that will push your blog higher up the search engine rankings. You can either build links by guest blogging on some other related blogs and then sit back and wait to hope that someone will eventually link to those guest posts for you, or you can be proactive and link to your guest posts yourself. Guest Blogging, Blog Carnivals, Forums, Article Directories, Blog Comments, Social Media, and Social Bookmarking are handy tools to use.

  1. Sell Private Ads

Private advertising can come in a banner, click, or connection type. Also, you can make money writing supported posts where you write about, or review a product or service. The ways you use this to make money will differ. You could charge a one-time fee for a connection within a post, for example. If you are hosting banner ads, you might charge on a monthly basis. You can also contact advertisers yourself without any middleman

  1. Monetizing your Content

Once you have built an audience, you can start to think about making some money from your blog. Monetizing your content is simply the process of adding related links to products and services that you earn a commission on. You might even have your own goods or services that you want to promote if not, you can use your blog to sell other people’s products just by adding a banner or link to your site content.

  1. Install Google Analytic tools

These are tools needed to help you keep track of your efforts while building out your blog. This is a great way to keep track of your results while using the URL campaign builder when dropping links on social media and other places so that you can effectively determine where your traffic is really coming from.

  1. Be More Conversant With The Social Media

Building a blog isn’t an easy feat to achieve. To help you along the road towards having a successful blog, you have to get social. Not only by linking up with other like-minded bloggers interested in what you do, but also by sharing and engaging with others on social networks like Facebook, Instagram, and other social media platforms and exchanging ideas.


It is noteworthy to state that all these steps are not one-size-fits-all. Individuals may need to tweak and combine them to really suit your condition and situation. Go with the ones that work best for you and simply drop the ones that seem not working for you. Making money blogging can take a lot of patience but if you start from scratch, it can pay off in the long run. Just note that you don’t have to use all those avenues at once to make money. Consider what other people are doing in your industry, and continue from there.

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